Hows your day?
i wish always healthy ya...
This time i will talk about my hobby in every night? Woa what is it? Dont ever try to think it was some dirty habbit eh...
ALways..monday untill saturday on 08.45 pm i will sit in front of tv. Watching my lovely mitho-epic drama.
It was Mahabarata *^O^*
Maybe some of you thinking that im olden. When girls outa there going crazy in hallyu. Then i? Im in love with that mitho drama. The longesssstttt story hindi in the world.
Fyi i also like korean. But seriously when i watch that drama im totally enjoyed. Because the actors are fresh, young, n good looking lol...
Second reason because of story. i like that story. About protagonist vs antagonist. There a lot moral value in every episode spoken by krishna. Dont imagine if mahabarata packaged in hard story, bloody war, erotic n else. No no no no...
Jadi intinya drama ini wajib tonton deh. inti Ceritanya itu bgs, dikemas g trllu lebay, efek filmny jg bgs. Aktorny apalagi. Mereka berhasil membawakan drama lawas dg penampilan yg segar. Klu q nonton film india jadul yg pemainny jg jadul biasany yg brewokny lebat keterlaluan, rmbutnya kriting lebat g trtur (klu kriting alami dirawat bajusss), make up ny tebel plus dibikin sangar. Aq malah takut gtw ya knp..parno ja gt... kyk klu ntn wayang orang yg make up ny dibikin putih ky make upny semar petrok gareng aq jg parno T.T
Yawda tinggalkan cerita itu. Pokokny aq sk deh ma mahabarata hehe
Some pict by googling: